From Nelly (Bronx) on 04/05/2008

Hello Mamita.. I hope you are happy where ever you are now resting in peace with no more pain or worries. I find myself thinking of you more and more each day. What can I say, I miss you immensely. I had a dream with you the other night. You were not sick and you wanted me to help you clean your closet. Lulu and Sandra were in the room, and we started cleaning out the closet, and then you said to me, "I want to buy a "colador" to brew some coffee. As you you said, I burst out crying and hugged you like never before, and as I looked back, I saw Papito in the room looking at us. At that point in the dream, I woke up and started crying, actually sobbing that I couldn't stop myself. Then Angel woke up and asked me what was wrong. I told him about the dream and he said that Mamita and Papito are here with us, protecting us.. I'm happy though that in the dream she wasn't sick at all. Blessings Mamita and Papito. I love you, always your daughter Nelly....