Maria 2nd February 2008

Tribute to Mamita: By Cris Mamita Heaven hath found an angel and her name is Mamita. Yet, it took her a long time to make this trip which the man above had planned for her. Eventhough we are not ready for the next part of her life's journey, we must allow her to embrace what lies ahead. We can be selfish in our thoughts and memories of Mamita, thinking if we only had her here for one more day. Sadly, there is not much we can do, for her destiny has already been written. But, we can help her on her way. Mamita meant so many things to different people. Her legacy lives on in the lives she touched. Never forget mamita, for she will never forget us. And just when we think that things are at their worst and we feel alone, remember that Mamita is always there holding our had guiding us along.