Maria 26th January 2008

I miss so many things about Mamita. Her beautiful green eyes. Her smile, her strong hands with all their wrinkles. Hands that showed a hard working individual. She was the person that we all went to with our silly problems. She listened and didn't judge, didn't preach or lecture. She loved to sew for herself and for others. She made beautiful hand bags that she would give to whomever wanted one. I still have many of them in my home. We always told her to sell them, but her joy was in the giving. Not in making a profit. The happiness that they brought to others was her payment. She didn't have a lot of money or fancy things, she shared what she had with others. When she became ill, we all tried our best to be there for her. Take care of her. I remember one day when I was with her at the hospital and she had to get up many times to use the bathroom. She was upeset because she didn't want any of us to have to do these things for her. She appologized to me. I told her, Mamita, it is a privilege and an honor to take care of you. You took care of us when we were little, it is the right thing to do. Last summer my family and I participated in a walk to find a cure for Autism. Her contribution was the first one that I received. Always wanting to contribute. That was her motto. At her funeral, many people came. Friends and family. People that she met at her doctor's appointments. Everyone said the same thing. She was sweet and kind. She was also very funny. She was not with out faults as no one is, but to me she was perfect. My dear loving Mamita. I hope to see you again one day, but until then, I will continue to remember you, look at your photos and dream of you in better times. Love, Mari.