Maria 21st November 2009

Dear Mamita: I've been dreaming with you a lot lately. Are you trying to tell me something, or is it just that I think about you often and then, naturally, I dream with you. I've been thinking a lot about the last few months of your life. Everything that you went through. I try not to go there in my mind because it always makes me want to cry. I wonder what was on your mind those last weeks. Did you know that the end was near. Were you afraid, sad.....I hope that you knew how much we loved you my viejita. How your passing has left an empty space in our empty place in our lives. I don't know. I wish I could talk to you....hug you, kiss you and be held by you. It doesn't seem fair. Makes me feel selfish to wish for more time, when we had you in our lives for many many years. But I guess its never enough.....Keep coming to me in my dreams... I look forward to them.....Love you.....Mari.